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Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Examples of my competence in the domain of AAC

AAC: Education

AAC Considerations

This shows my ability to choose AAC devices based on the considerations for a vairety of disablities.

AAC Apps

An example of the various AAC applications and each competence it entails.

AAC Reflection

A reflection of how AAC users feel in activities of daily living.

AAC Case History

A case history of a child with Autism Spectrum Disorders and the AAC considerations and rationale for a device.

AAC Goal Writing

A report for a child's with Autism Spectrum Disorders goals and the techniques and activities used to achieve such goals.

Lesson Plan

A detailed lesson plan for an adult male with Primary Progressive Aphasia, including long and short goals, step-by-step instructions, evidence-based research, adaptions and prompt levels.

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